Talent Management
Learning & Development
Performance Management System
Career – Fun @ Work
"People Rarely succeed, unless they have fun in what they are doing."
- Dale Carnegie
We at REMI believe that while all employees are important, engaged employees are critical to the success of the organization. Engaged employees are dedicated, have a strong belief in and support organization’s goals, objectives, and direction. They make the extra effort and behave in ways that make the business successful, are devoted and have an intense desire to be a part of the organization.
To provide feedback to people managers on their team engagement along with feedback on more macro issues like growth & learning, alignment of individual’s values with organizational values, we conduct employee satisfaction survey after every two years to measure the perception & satisfaction level of employees, this becomes the barometer of the Unit, voicing the experiences of people and highlighting areas of strength and concern. The following objectives are met from survey,
- Understand the level of employee engagement at Remi that consistently drive business outcomes
- Understand how managers impact their work environment
- Understand the performance on macro workplace parameters
- Benchmark performance against the earlier years
- Develop an action plan for implementation of findings
Apart from the survey, we also have a Cultural Calendar in place for the entire year & all these events/festivals are celebrated at plant/colony thus bonding the employees together.

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